Thursday 5 May 2016

Animated, comedy and adventure movies

The Book of Life

This is a story of a young man Manolo, whose family are famous bullfighters. It is expected of him to follow the steps of his ancestors and fulfill his destiny.

However, he falls in love with the beautiful Maria who is far from the normal fairy tale princesses. She is wild, smart, cunning, and knows how to defend herself. However, she is not easy to tempt, and much more effort is needed to make her fall in love with him. Manolo focuses all his energy on capturing Maria's heart, he is caught between choosing bullfighting or Maria.

Watch as the Gods interfere with their relationship.


This is one of my personal favorite.

The story begins with Mary when she moves in to live with her father. He is an eccentric scientist who believes there are small creatures that live among us, like fairies and small kingdoms that are hidden from the naked eye, hidden from humanity. Mary had always hoped that her father would leave behind his weird fantasies, but one day she will start believing in them too. She is shrinked and she soon finds herself in the middle of a battle for the sake of the world.

She is now together with the tiny humanoids called the Leafmen.



Have you ever wondered if a snail could win a race?

Well, an accident has made this snail unstoppable. At first he was just an ordinary garden snail obsessed with speed and the chance to prove himself. Watch as his life changes as he becomes a legend.

This movie will surely make your day.

Mr. Peabody & Sherman

The genius dog Mr. Peabody has an adopted son, Sherman.

Mr. Peabody teaches his son about time- traveling. They travel everywhere and at any time.

Sherman can't hold back the knowledge he has gained from all the adventures he has had, and soon he gets in a fight with one of the smartest girls in class, Penny. Penny is pure evil according to Sherman.

The fight in the school is blamed on Sherman's father, the genius dog, whose parenting skills are being questioned by the Child Protective Services.

But, soon an other mess begins, when Sherman and Mr. Peabody take Penny on their time traveling adventures.

Sunday 24 April 2016

More Sci-Fi and tons of action

Ender's Game

This is a Sci-Fi, fantasy movie with a lot of action.

Humans were attacked by overpowered aliens that almost annihilated the entire human race. Now, it is time for the new generation to train and fight for the sake of the planet. But, what makes this movie so unique is the mystery that awaits those children.

I highly recommend this movie, because I believe it is an underrated movie with great effects and an excellent plot. Check it out!


A thrilling movie with constant fighting. However, it is not just any king of fighting, they have superpowers.
A jumper is a person that can teleport anywhere in just a blink of an eye. He or she can visit any place or easily rob any bank and get away with it. But, the teenager David realizes that he is hunted by annihilators that are sworn to kill any Jumper.
He is in the middle of an ancient war.

Total Recall

If you have missed this film, now it's the time to watch it.

This is one of the best action packed movies that takes place in the future. Douglas who works as a factory worker pays a visit to a very famous company called Rekall. They can implement fake memories or show a person some memories that he/she wants to have had. Even after he was warned not to go there, he ignores those warnings and enters the chambers of Rekall. But as soon as he is inside a huge army comes after him and attacks him. He realizes that everything about him and his life was a lie and now he is running for his life.


This is an other post-apocalyptic movie that proves that humans, even if they are the last group on this planet, they still can't get along. They live on a train that constantly travels the world. Inside the people are divided between rich (those that live in the front of the train) and poor (the ones that live in the tail of the train). The horrible conditions of the ones that live in the tail forces them to rebel, and Chris Evans is the one that starts the rebellion. Their goal is to take the engine of the train and control everything.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Fun TV programmes

Do you need a change of pace? You've watched too many movies or shows and are eager to watch something different?

These following TV programs will definitely keep you entertained for some time. They are very popular in America, but if you haven't seen them yet make sure you do now. Who doesn't love free and awesome shows right?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

This TV program is exceptionally eye-opening, interesting and funny. 

Firstly, the host of this show is a comedian John Oliver who talks about current events, problems, laws and everything else that is ridiculous in America. He reviews some crazy affairs that are happening there, but most people are either afraid to talk about or just ignore them completely. The way he tells a certain story is outrageous. He uses satire all the time and always keeps the audience entertained, despite the seriousness of the topic.

 Secondly, he always talks about interesting and popular topics. He also makes sure those topics have been thoroughly researched and he supports his theories with a lot of evidence.

And finally, you can watch these episodes for free here .


The host Conan O'Brien and his co-host Andy Richter talk about popular news and invite celebrities. What makes this show unique is that Conan also hosts like mini shows within the show, for example Clueless gamer. He plays games with popular people, he jokes, trolls and has a lot of fun. He also uploads funny videos either while traveling ( for example : Conan in Korea), or just having fun with some crazy music videos, meanwhile he is always surrounded by famous celebrities.

His shows absolutely make my days better. I highly recommend Conan if you want to watch something funny.

You can watch Conan here .

Judge Pirro

If you want to watch some weird and funny cases that involve unreasonable and extremely stubborn people that go to court to solve their problems, Judge Pirro is just the show for you.

Though this show is old (2008), and the quality of some videos is bad, the show is still amazing. Personally, I find this show quite mind-blowing, because the people that go to those courts have really interesting and weird characters or backgrounds. From cheating husbands or wives, to falsely accusing someone of rape just because you don't want him/ or her to dump you, you will certainly think you've seen it all. 

On this channel you can watch the most popular videos that were uploaded, even if they are not all the episodes, they will most certainly keep you entertained.

Saturday 16 April 2016

Dragon Nest 1 and 2

Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn

Dragon Nest is a great-animated movie with a plot that everyone will love.

The movie takes place in Altera, a beautiful land with magical creatures, many races and magical powers. The scenery is amazing and the animations are perfect. The plot is based on the game Dragon Nest, even though these events take place 50 years before it. In the land of Altera live humans, elves, beasts and of course, dragons. Though they live divided, humans and elves have to unite in order to defeat the rising darkness.

Lambert, a wannabe knight, joins the Dragon Slayer's League to become a hero of Altera and defeat the mighty Black Dragon. This team is built of an elite force specialized for destroying the deadly dragons.

The comedy, adventure and thrilling moments are the reason why I recommend this animated movie. It is perfect for those that love games, adventure or both.

What is even more awesome is that part two is coming this summer 2016. Can't wait!

Dragon Nest 2: Throne of Elves

Throne of Elves is the Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn sequel and it will be released this summer 2016. All we know is that it is going to be awesome and packed with even more adventure and comedy.

Friday 15 April 2016

Have you watched these yet?

DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Television series

 Are you a Sci-Fi or time travel fan? Or maybe you just love watching movies with super powers and heroes saving the world? If so, then this is the best movie for you.

The plot revolves around Captain Hunter who used to be a Time Travel Master, but he left his job in order to save the future world from being destroyed by a psychopathic immortal maniac, Savage. He collects the best people he can from the year 2016 and takes them on a great adventure across timelines. Those people are: Ray Palmer/Atom (the guy who has a high -tech power-suit that can shrink him), Sara Lance (the deadly but sexy assassin), Kendra (the Hawkgirl), Carter (the Hawkguy), Leonard Snart and Mick Rory (the awesome thieves) and Jefferson and Professor Stein (as Firestorm, or a burning man shooting fireballs).

The plot is great and there is tons of comedy, adventure and fighting. Every episode is filled with action and it will never bore you!


Television series

This series is a combination of drama, fantasy and awesome comedy.

What is interesting and specific about this plot is that the devil decided to get a vacation from hell and stay in the human world for as long as he likes. He comes to Los Angeles and is unimaginably rich. But the longer he stays, the more it affects him.The Lord of Hell becomes a friend with an attractive detective Chloe Decker and annoys the hell out of her. Even though he can sleep with any girl, he is just NOT her type.

Lucifer is a great TV series that will surely make you laugh and tempt you to watch more.


Television Series

This Tv Series takes mystery and drama on a whole new level. Every episode is special and full of suspense.

It is about a girl that was found at Times Square. She has no memory and no idea who she even is, but those extravagant tattoos prove that she carries a heavy burden. It is up to the investigators to find out what those tattoos actually mean, but that surely proves to be incredibly problematic.


Television series

This is a drama, fantasy and horror TV series. However it is not that scary, but the plot is excellent.

The events begin when Nick Burkhardt figures out that he is a Grimm ( an evil person who cuts of people's heads - as he is portrayed by his enemies), and can see what others can't. His enemies are Wesen, in other words, they look like humans but they can actually shape-shit into a monster of some kind. However, not all are evil. Nick has to learn to live with his gift and continue to work as a detective, and meanwhile hide everything from his girlfriend Juliette. He meets Manroe who is actually a Bludbad ( a wolf-like creature) and learns a lot about Wesen. Later he meets new faces who become a crucial part of his life.

I personally believe that this is an underrated movie and deserves a lot of attention. Check it out!