Sunday 24 April 2016

More Sci-Fi and tons of action

Ender's Game

This is a Sci-Fi, fantasy movie with a lot of action.

Humans were attacked by overpowered aliens that almost annihilated the entire human race. Now, it is time for the new generation to train and fight for the sake of the planet. But, what makes this movie so unique is the mystery that awaits those children.

I highly recommend this movie, because I believe it is an underrated movie with great effects and an excellent plot. Check it out!


A thrilling movie with constant fighting. However, it is not just any king of fighting, they have superpowers.
A jumper is a person that can teleport anywhere in just a blink of an eye. He or she can visit any place or easily rob any bank and get away with it. But, the teenager David realizes that he is hunted by annihilators that are sworn to kill any Jumper.
He is in the middle of an ancient war.

Total Recall

If you have missed this film, now it's the time to watch it.

This is one of the best action packed movies that takes place in the future. Douglas who works as a factory worker pays a visit to a very famous company called Rekall. They can implement fake memories or show a person some memories that he/she wants to have had. Even after he was warned not to go there, he ignores those warnings and enters the chambers of Rekall. But as soon as he is inside a huge army comes after him and attacks him. He realizes that everything about him and his life was a lie and now he is running for his life.


This is an other post-apocalyptic movie that proves that humans, even if they are the last group on this planet, they still can't get along. They live on a train that constantly travels the world. Inside the people are divided between rich (those that live in the front of the train) and poor (the ones that live in the tail of the train). The horrible conditions of the ones that live in the tail forces them to rebel, and Chris Evans is the one that starts the rebellion. Their goal is to take the engine of the train and control everything.

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