Saturday 16 April 2016

Dragon Nest 1 and 2

Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn

Dragon Nest is a great-animated movie with a plot that everyone will love.

The movie takes place in Altera, a beautiful land with magical creatures, many races and magical powers. The scenery is amazing and the animations are perfect. The plot is based on the game Dragon Nest, even though these events take place 50 years before it. In the land of Altera live humans, elves, beasts and of course, dragons. Though they live divided, humans and elves have to unite in order to defeat the rising darkness.

Lambert, a wannabe knight, joins the Dragon Slayer's League to become a hero of Altera and defeat the mighty Black Dragon. This team is built of an elite force specialized for destroying the deadly dragons.

The comedy, adventure and thrilling moments are the reason why I recommend this animated movie. It is perfect for those that love games, adventure or both.

What is even more awesome is that part two is coming this summer 2016. Can't wait!

Dragon Nest 2: Throne of Elves

Throne of Elves is the Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn sequel and it will be released this summer 2016. All we know is that it is going to be awesome and packed with even more adventure and comedy.

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